2023 Tech Innovation Report

At Qindle, we believe that truly impactful innovation comes from uncovering human insights and a clear understanding of needs, behaviours, and barriers to apply technology in a way that drives meaningful change.

From Homo sapiens to Homo cellulars, technology has enabled us to interact with the world through digital devices, extending the senses and enhancing our every-day experiences.

  • Is defining a Universal Open Standard for health tech the solution to the global strain on healthcare systems?
  • How can we build the metaverse more responsibly?
  • What companies are putting climate change at the forefront?
  • Do your T-shirts come in digital sizes?
  • What technologies are creating positive social impact?

All questions we answer in our 2023 Tech Innovations Report exploring real-time health, environmental sustainability, transaction platforms, digital connections, inclusivity and accessibility trends.


Click on the image to open the full report.


At Qindle we turn the latest innovations into business opportunities, solving real industry challenges. Reach out to discover what positive impacts can be applied to your brand.